Summary of: Rork!
Ran Loman wanted only to be left alone, to get away from it
all. That's why he volunteered for duty on Pia 2, the most
remote, isolated world in the Galaxy...
The problem on Pia 2 was redwing, a plant used throughout the
galaxy as a medical fixative. Redwing grew ony on Pia 2. And
lately, less and less was being harvested. Lomar's assignment
was simple: find out why, and do something about it.
Station Officer Tan Carlo Harb tried to warn him the job might
not be quite as simple as it sounded. But Lomar had to find
out for himself about the strange inhabitants of Pia 2 -- the
Tocks, the Tame ones and the Wild ones, and the mysterious,
legendary "rorks" that everyone feared.
A murder and kidnapping that sent Lomar and a Wild Tock woman
across an uncharted rork continent on their own taught Lomar
rather more than he bargained for....